Richard C. Sothoron

He & brother Harrison were securities for their mother as administrix of their father’s estate (see father’s Notes).

** Marriage & children - Maryland

Richard C. Sothoron licensed in St. Mary’s Co., MD on 23 December 1823 to marry Elizabeth Woodburn. (Brumbaugh* 1:389)

Richard C. Sothoron, 21, married Alice Eliza Woodburn, 18, daughter of Jonathan Woodburn, on 23 December 1823. (Fresco(1)* :274)

Else Sothoron was baptized 31 March 1833. She was born to Richard C. & Else Sothoron on 9 August 1833. (Trinity Parish Register 3:18, St. Mary’s Co.)

Else Sotharon, daughter of Richard C. Sotharon and Else Sotharon, was christened on 31 March 1834 at Trinity Parish, Newport, Charles Co. (* {Church Records - Batch # C533651, Source # 0013203})

** Federal Census schedules - District 5, St. Mary’s Co., MD

1840 Census (1840.06.01) - pg 182 - Richard C. Sothoron

Free white males under 5...1
5 - 9...1
40 - 49...1
females under 5...1
5 - 9...1
10 - 14...1
30 - 39...1
Involved in Agriculture...4

1850 Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.10.28) - pg 348A, Ln 6, 1601/1537

- Richard C. Sotheron, 52 year old male farmer, born in St. Mary’s Co.. Property value $3,000.

- Alice “ - 45 year old female, born in St. Mary’s Co..

- Elizabeth      “ - 20 year old female, born in St. Mary’s Co..

- Alice “ - 17 year old female, born in St. Mary’s Co..

- Wm. H.         “ - 14 year old male, in school, born in St. Mary’s Co..

(“Color” was blank for all these entries)

1850 Slave Schedule (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.10.28) - pg 253

- Richard C. Sothoron owned 6 slaves, ranging in age from 14 to 60 years. The next entry in the Schedule is that of Horatio Canter.

Is not entered in the 1860 Census - wife living with son William & his family (see his Notes).

** Land records - St. Mary’s Co., Maryland

His aunt Molly Sothoron bequeathed all her lands (not specifically named) to him in her will of 1828 (see her Notes).

Indenture of 28 August 1829 between Samuel Suit & wife Elsprit of St. Mary's Co., MD; & Richard C. Sothoron of same county. For $200 convey to Sothoron one undivided half of tract called "Burrough's Gift," containing about 91 3/4 acres. Signed by Samuel Suit & Elsprit Suit (her mark). Witnessed by R. Kilgour & Henry Fowler. Certified same date, recorded 8 Sept 1829. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#8:364)

Indenture of 28 August 1829 between Susanna Catharine Herbert of St. Mary's Co., MD; & Richard C. Sothoron of same county. For $40 convey to Sothoron one undivided tenth of tract called "Burrough's Gift, containing about 91 3/4 acres. Signed by Susanna Catharine Herbert (her mark), witnessed by R. Kilgour & Henry Fowler. Certified same date, recorded 8 Sept 1829. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#8:366)

Indenture of 28 Aug 1829 between William Ellis & wife Ann of St. Mary's Co., MD; & Richard C. Sothoron of same county. For $35 convey to Sothoron one undivided tenth of tract called "Burrough's Gift, containing about 91 3/4 acres. Signed by William Ellis & Ann Ellis (their marks), witnessed by R. Kilgour & Henry Fowler. Recorded 8 Sept 1879. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#8:367)

Joseph E. True & Priscilla his wife, of St. Mary’s Co., deed to Richard C. Sothoron for $40 their interest in Burrough's Gift, 95 acres in all. (Abstracts TH#31:188, 1830.07.26, Recorded 1830.07.27)

Indenture of 26 July 1830 between Joseph E. Price & wife Priscilla of St. Mary's Co., MD; & Richard C. Sothoron of same county. For $40 convey to Sothoron their interests in tract called "Burrough's Gift, containing about 91 3/4 acres. Signed by Joseph E Price & Priscilla Price (their marks), witnessed by Henry Fowler & James Keech. Certified same date, recorded 27 July 1830. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#8:500)

Indenture of 3 September 1834 between Samuel Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD; and Richard C. Sothoron of same county. For $100 Samuel conveys hs one fourth part of following tracts, now in possession of Richard: "Sothoron's Hills," about 51 acres; "Sothoron's Supply," about 21 acres; "Long Yorkshire," about 25 acres. Signed by Samuel Sothoron, witnessed by H. Fowler & Charles C. Egerton. Certified same date, recorded 9 Sept 1834. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#10:187)

Indenture of 11 October 1834 between Philip Alvey & wife Drucilla of St. Mary's Co., MD; and Richard C. Sothoron of same county. For $10 Sothoron Alveys convey their " divided moiety or part..." of following tracts: "Sothoron's Hills," containing about 51 acres; "Sothoron's Supply," containing about 21 acres; "Long Yorkshire," containing about 25 acres. Signed by Philp Alvey & Drucilla Alvey (their marks), witnessed by Charles C. Egerton & Geo. Slye. Certified same date, recorded 9 Dec 1834. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#10:186)

Indenture of 15 Dec 1834 between Harrison Sothoron, Francis Sothoron, John Burroughs & wife Catharine, and Mary Pell Jane Sothoron, all of St. Mary's Co., MD; and Richard C. Sothoron of same county. For $9.52 Richard C. Sothoron purchases all their interest in tract now in the possession of Richard: Sothoron's Hills, about 51 acres; Sothoron's Supply, about 21 acres; Long Yorkshire, about 25 acres. Signed by Harrison Sothoron (his mark), Francis Sothoron, John Burroughs (his mark), Catharine Ann Burroughs, Mary Pell Jane Sothoron (her mark). Wit: G. Fowler, Charles E. Egerton. Certified same date, recorded 6 June 1835. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#10:252)

Indenture of 4 Feb 1839 between William U. Herbert of Alexandria, DC; & Richard C. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $40 Herbert conveys his one tenth part of tract called "Burrough's Gift," about 91 3/4 acres. Signed by William U. Herbert, witnessed by H. Fowler & John Kilgour. Certified same date, recorded 5 March 1839. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#11:360)

Indenture of 13 July 1842 between James L. Herbert & Richard C. Sothoron, both of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $40 Herbert conveys his one tenth part of tract called "Burrough's Gift," about 91 3/4 acres. Signed by James L. Herbert, witnessed by H. Fowler & Benj. H. Sothoron. Certified same date, recorded 2 August 1842. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#12:505)

Hezekiah Burroughs deeds to Alice Sothoron for $400, property on Indian Creek line, running along south side of road from Indian Creek to Charlotte Hall, to Mrs. Alice Sothoron's gate, 60 acres. (Land Rec Abstracts StM#7:544, St. Mary’s Co., 1856.01.18, Recorded 1856.01.31)

Trustee’s Sale, by virtue of decree of Circuit Court in Equity passed 30 May 1874, in case of Henry A. Canter et al vs. William H. Sothoron et al, to take place at Charlotte Hall on 27 June 1874. To be sold is properties known as LONG YORKSHIRE, SOTHORON’S HILLS, and SOTHORON’S SUPPLY, 198 acres in all, in 5th Election District, including improvements of Dwelling House, Two Barns & all necessary Out-Houses. Said land is the real estate of which late Richard C. Sothoron died seized and possessed, & is sold clear of widow’s dower. (St. Mary’s Beacon :2, Reported 1874.06.04)

Alice Sothoron deeds to Hezekiah Burroughs, Burrough's Lot, 33 acres, on south side of public road from Charlotte Hall to Old House landing, purchased of Hezekiah Burroughs on 19 January 1877. (Land Rec Abstracts StM#6:136, St. Mary’s Co., 1877.10.31, Recorded 1877.12.11)

** Tax Assessment Records - District 5, St. Mary’s Co., MD (Fenwick*)

1846 Assessment. R. C. Sothoron. Slaves: 6; Livestock etc. Lands: Burroughs Gift, 91 ¾ acres; Sothorons Hills, 51 acres; Sothorons Supply, 21 acres; Long Yorkshire, 25 acres. Total: 3.254.

1849 Assessment. Richard C. Sothoron. Slaves: 5; Livestock, furn., etc. Lands: Burroughs Gift, 91 ¾ acres; Sothoron Hills, 51 acres; Sothoron Supply, 21 acres; Long Yorkshire, 25 acres. Total: 3.254

** Guardian records - St. Mary’s Co., MD

Orphans Wm. Herbert & Llewellin Herbert, Guardian Richard C. Sothoron. Assessors Hezekiah Burroughs, Wm. L. Edwards. Description: “...sorry old pine loged house on it, no orchard, garden, meadow, or other improvements, the enclosure very indifferent, the woodlands about seven acres, no personal property...” (Ranzetta* {EJM#1:113}, 1830.04.08)

Orphans Wm. Herbert & Llewellin Herbert; Guardian Richard C. Sothoron. Assessors Hezekiah Burroughs, Wm. L. Edwards. Grant: Burroughs Gift, 96 acres with old log dwelling in bad repair, fruit trees, 32 x 40 frame barn newly built by guardian at his own expense. (Ranzetta* {EJM#1:160), 1832.08.02)

** Miscellaneous - St. Mary’s Co., MD

            Additional final account of Richard C. Sothoron, administrator in estate of Samuel Sothoron. Notes overpaid assets of $16.67½. (Admin Accts GC#1{MSA WK-282-283}:337, 1836.12.06, Recorded 1836.12.06)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.